Disclaimer and Legal Notice

The type of the information you may receive from invoport are highly and strictly confidential and must be communicated only on “Need to know” basis.
If you believe that you received data or notification from invoport and you are not the intended person, please take the following actions:

  • Delete immediately the information and do not share them, transfer them, save them, or communicate them to any party unless this who sent them to you.
  • Inform immediately the account manager about the event and in case you do not know who the account manager is, please notify us at info@invoport.lu



Invoport as upgraded from time to time is a software operated by Invoport SARL based on the cloud which is part of the datacentre of CBC Informatique SA (the “Software”).
The Software is accessible 24/7 through a sub-domain to the main domain https://invoport.lu/ as communicated to you by your account administrator (the “Website”).
Now, the combination between the software and the Website is referred hereinafter as the Platform.
For any information regarding the contractual arrangements, please contact your account administrator.
The terms in this disclaimer and legal notice (the “Notice”) must have the same meaning as in the service agreement entered between Invoport SARL and its client who provided you with the access to their account.

This disclaimer and legal notice is addressed to any person who got access to invoport and/or receives information communicated by the users of invoport or as produced by invoport whether they are:

  • The users who are the investors or their agents/intermediaries.
  • The users of the fund administrators.
  • The users of the fund managers.



The purpose of this disclaimer and legal notice is to remind the users of invoport of part of the contractual arrangements between Invoport SARL and its client(s) and the responsibilities of the client(s) or the user(s):

  • Any client of Invoport SARL is responsible for the management of their users.
  • Any client of Invoport SARL is responsible for any information or data inserted into the database of the Software.
  • Any client of Invoport SARL is responsible for any information produced by invoport or communicated by invoport based on the instructions of the users and should perform a proper review before the information is circulated to any parties.
  • Any client of Invoport SARL is responsible for maintaining their operations in compliance with any contractual or regulatory obligations towards their client(s).
  • Any client of Invoport SARL is ultimately responsible for the operation of their sub-domain on invoport and invoport declines any claim for any damage of any nature of whatsoever. However, Invoport SARL and their safeguard commit to maintain reasonable levels of security to the cloud and to the server. Further, Invoport SARL commits to continuously improve its platform to correspond to its client’s(s’) needs and ensure proper computing capacity to deliver good quality service to their client(s).
  • Any client of Invoport SARL is responsible for the continuity of their services to their clients in case invoport is out of service for any reason of whatsoever.
  • Any client of Invoport SARL is responsible for notifying and/or seeking authorisation from the competent authority(ies) if applicable prior to using invoport.
  • Any user of invoport must comply with the Policy of Use which accessible upon the log in to their accounts.

Have you got any questions? Please liaise directly with your account manager or contact us at info@invoport.lu